Entries in chicken (5)


la physicale #3 - brooklyn taco co.

two mondays ago i was on a boat...bitch. for the third year in a row, i bought a ticket for the nachosny "guac rock" party boat (guacs + bands) & rode the high seas of the east river with a few hundred other folks, listening to rock & eating guac & eating tac...os & sucking...er...well, actually, i was with a friend & my sister & her friend, so i only did the first three things. most importantly, i was eating tac...os, as this year nachosny upped the ante by inviting brooklyn taco co. onto the boat & letting them set up a stand on the upper deck.

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truckin' #2 - domo taco.

out of all the taco trucks spread across this great city, there are a ton of them that go all U.N. & put a non-mexican spin on things. we've got multiple taco trucks offering korean food & ones serving up turkish & japanese fare. at the moment, japan is represented by the domo taco truck, who've been prowling the nyc streets in their puke green truck for what must be coming up on a year now. since their launch, i've visited them a few times, initially to try their japanese nacho tots for nachos ny. trust me, you're better off trying the tacos.

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la physicale #2 - dos toros taqueria.

for almost eight months now, i've worked in the city just north of union square. when it comes to a quick & proper taco lunch, i've mostly subsisted on a diet of dorado tacos (more to come on them fo sho) & varied taco trucks. then, one day i was walking up 4th ave just south of the park with my bag of dorado & looked up to notice there was a dos toros taqueria staring me in the face. i'd never noticed it before because, let's be honest...who the fuck walks on 4th ave?

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truckin' #1 - korilla BBQ.

did you know that here in NYC there are SEVEN taco trucks for every citizen? it's TOTALLY true! ok, no...that is a lie. sorry for lying to you, taco enthusiast. i lie to hide my insecurities. regardless, at any given moment in the city, there are usually around a dozen taco trucks & stands, each with their own spin on tacos, scattered about the streets.

personally, about 75% of my taco consumption comes in the form of tacos procured from a curbside truck & one of my favorites is the korilla BBQ truck, whose angle is korean tacos with a side dish of party atmosphere.

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la physicale #1 - tacos matamoros II.

since my taco obsession really took hold back earlier this year, the taco joint that i've frequented the most has got to be tacos matamoros II, a tiny establishment on 5th ave in the south end of sunset park. they have another larger location (the original) thirteen blocks up fifth ave but this one seats about twenty-five & in my case, is perfect for jumping off the train at the 59th st N, walking up the hill, ducking in for less than ten minutes to get tacos & heading back down the hill to continue home.

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