Entries in steak (2)


la physicale #2 - dos toros taqueria.

for almost eight months now, i've worked in the city just north of union square. when it comes to a quick & proper taco lunch, i've mostly subsisted on a diet of dorado tacos (more to come on them fo sho) & varied taco trucks. then, one day i was walking up 4th ave just south of the park with my bag of dorado & looked up to notice there was a dos toros taqueria staring me in the face. i'd never noticed it before because, let's be honest...who the fuck walks on 4th ave?

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truckin' #1 - korilla BBQ.

did you know that here in NYC there are SEVEN taco trucks for every citizen? it's TOTALLY true! ok, no...that is a lie. sorry for lying to you, taco enthusiast. i lie to hide my insecurities. regardless, at any given moment in the city, there are usually around a dozen taco trucks & stands, each with their own spin on tacos, scattered about the streets.

personally, about 75% of my taco consumption comes in the form of tacos procured from a curbside truck & one of my favorites is the korilla BBQ truck, whose angle is korean tacos with a side dish of party atmosphere.

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